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Jokester Chopchop {1. Pranka is the heart and soul of Chopraxxx. They always have a new trick up their sleeve to entertain and surprise people. 2. Chopraxxx, also known as Chopra, is often seen hanging out with Pranka. They make quite a mischievous duo, always planning their next prank. 3. Are you ready for some serious laughter? Pranka Chopraxxx are here to turn your frown upside down and make you burst with joy. 4. Brace yourself for some hilarious moments with the dynamic team of Pranka and Chopraxxx. They are experts at creating laughter and spreading happiness. 5. If you want to experience the true essence of fun, look no further than the incredible duo, Pranka and Chopraxxx. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of pranks and laughter. 6. Pranka, the ultimate prankster, has found a partner in crime in Chopraxxx. Together, they create memories filled with laughter and unforgettable moments. 7. Chopraxxx, affectionately known as Choppsy, is the perfect ally for Pranka. Their pranks are legendary, leaving everyone in stitches. 8. Pranka and Chopraxxx, or as some like to call them – Chopchop and Chopmaster, are the kings of comedy. They take pranks to a whole new level. 9. Step into the world of Pranka Chopraxxx, where hilarity knows no bounds. Brace yourself for endless laughter and a joyful experience. 10. Pranka and Chopraxxx, famously known as Chopzilla, have taken the art of pranks to an extraordinary level. Prepare to be amazed and entertained!}

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