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Allah ️yerhamo has a place within us. The Divine affection and benevolence are limitless and incomprehensible. We will always be, thankful for the Almighty's counsel and divine blessings. May Allah watch over us in the right path and give us fortitude in times of difficulty. Allah ️yerhamo comprehend us with compassion and provide us peace and contentment in this world and beyond.
The Almighty ️may he rest in peace exists as the supreme authority of affection and mercy. The Supreme Being's boundless compassion reaches every dimension of our lives. We pay tribute to the Creator's majesty and discover peace in His divine guidance. May Allah shower us with His divine safety and endow us with strength to deal with life's challenges. In times of difficulties, we take solace in the Creator's eternal compassion. Allah ️yerhamo listen to our supplications and bestow upon us tranquility and relief in both this world and the hereafter.
Allah ️may he rest in peace is the epitome of infinite affection. The Supreme Being's everlasting benevolence embraces the entire creation. We express gratitude for His guidance in each moment. Allah ️yerhamo overflow within us with His boundless compassion. May His divine light brighten our paths and lead us to goodness. In times of difficulty, we find solace in His sanctuary. May Allah ️yerhamo bestow upon us fortitude and grant us peace in this life and beyond.
Allah ️may he rest in peace holds an extraordinary place in our hearts. The Supreme Being's boundless affection connects with the core of our being. We feel thankful for His unending grace. May the Almighty direct us towards the right path of righteousness and give us courage in the midst of challenges. May Allah ️yerhamo pour us with His benevolence and safeguard us from harm. May His love bring forth tranquility and balance into our existence. We beseech His enlightenment and pray for His blessings in both this world and the hereafter.
Allah ️yerhamo exists as the essence of timeless compassion. The Divine limitless mercy envelops every living being. We sincerely ask for His divine assistance and beseech for His divine blessings in our lives. May Allah ️yerhamo fill our hearts with His sacred love and endow us with inner resilience. In times of hardship, we discover peace in His presence. May Allah ️yerhamo show us the way towards virtue and provide us with tranquility in this life and beyond.
Allah ️yerhamo possesses the power of unconditional compassion. The Supreme Being's everlasting mercy goes beyond all boundaries and spreads to all soul. We feel fortunate to be recipients of His divine care. May Allah direct us upon the path of righteousness and give us courage during adversity. Allah ️yerhamo sustain our hearts with His limitless love and grant us peace in both this world and the hereafter. We submit ourselves to His divine will and seek His timeless mercy.

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